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An email will be sent out, normally, once a month with a link to the new issue of the Newsletter.

    2024/07/20 St. Margaret of Antioch, V.M.

    • The July issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

      Please note that this issue also contains the Africa Appeal Newsletter.

    2024/05/20 The Translation of St. Edward, King, Martyr

    • The June issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

      Please note that this issue also contains the Africa Appeal Newsletter.

    2024/05/20 In the Octave of Whitsunday

    • The May issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

      Please note that this issue also contains the Africa Appeal Newsletter.

    2024/04/19 In Easter II, St. Alphege, Archbishop, Martyr

    • The April issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

      Please note that this issue also contains the Africa Appeal Newsletter.

    2024/03/22 The Compassion of St. Mary in Passiontide

    • The March issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

      Please note that this issue also contains the Africa Appeal Newsletter.

    2024/02/15 The Martyrs of Japan

    • The February issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

      Please note that this issue also contains the Africa Appeal Newsletter.

    2024/01/20 SS. Fabian & Sebastian, MM. in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

    • The January issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

      Please note that this issue also contains the Africa Appeal Newsletter.

    2023/12/21 St. Thomas, Ap.M.

    • The December issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

      Please note that this issue also contains the Africa Appeal Newsletter.

    2023/11/13 St. Hugh of Lincoln, B.C.

    • The November issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

      Please note that this issue also contains the Africa Appeal Newsletter.

    2023/10/13 St. Edward, K.C. Westminster, 1066.

    • The October issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

      Please note that this issue also contains the Africa Appeal Newsletter.

    2023/09/16 St. Ninian, Missionary, 1st Bishop of Galloway, Scotland, ca 430.

    • The September issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

      Please note that this issue also contains the Africa Appeal Newsletter.

    2023/06/15 Octave of Corpus Christi.

    • The June issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

      Please note that this issue also contains the Africa Appeal Newsletter.

    2023/05/18 Ascension Day.

    • The May issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

      Please note that this issue also contains the Africa Appeal Newsletter.

    2023/04/15 Saturday in Easter Week.

    • The April issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

      Please note that this issue also contains the Africa Appeal Newsletter.

    2023/03/15 Wednesday in Lent III.

    • The March issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

      Please note that this issue also contains the Africa Appeal Newsletter.

    2023/02/15 Wednesday in Sexagesima.

    • The February issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

      Please note that this issue also contains the Africa Appeal Newsletter.

    2023/01/19 Thursday in Epiphany II.

    • The January issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

      Please note that this issue also contains the Africa Appeal Newsletter.

    2022/12/16 Ember Friday in Advent.

    • The December issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

      Please note that this issue also contains the Africa Appeal Newsletter.

    2022/11/16 St. Margaret of Scotland, V.

    • The November issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

      Please note that this issue also contains the Africa Appeal Newsletter.

    2022/10/14 St. Callistus, B.M.

    • The October issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

      Please note that this issue also contains the Africa Appeal Newsletter.

    2022/09/15 St. Mary at the Cross or the Seven Sorrows of the BVM

    • The September issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

      Please note that this issue also contains the Africa Appeal Newsletter.

    2022/08/17 In the Octave of the Falling Asleep of the BVM

    • The August issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2022/07/20 St. Margaret of Antioch, V.M.

    • The July issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2022/07/07 In Trinitytide

    2022/06/17 IIn the Octave of the Feast of the Holy Trinity

    • The June issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2022/05/16 Monday in Easter IV

    • The May issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2022/04/19 Tuesday in Easter Week

    • The April issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2022/03/19 St. Joseph

    • The March issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2022/02/15 The Martyrs of Japan

    • The February issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2022/01/15 Eve of Epiphany II

    • The January issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2021/12/22 In Advent IV

    2021/12/15 Advent Ember Wednesday & Octave Day of the Conception of the BVM

    • The December issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2021/11/17 St. Hugh of Lincoln

    • The November issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2021/10/18 St. Luke

    • The October issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2021/10/02 Holy Guardian Angels

    2021/09/16 St. Ninian

    • The September issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2021/08/19 In the Octave of the Falling Asleep of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    • The August issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2021/07/15 St. Swithin's Day

    • The July issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2021/07/06 Octave Day of SS Peter & Paul

    2021/06/16 Wednesday in the Octave of The Sacred Heart of Jesus

    • The June issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2021/05/15 Friday in the Octave of Ascension Day

    • The May issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2021/04/15 Lenten Feria

    • The April issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2021/03/26 Compassion of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    2021/03/21 Lenten Feria

    • The March issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2021/02/20 Lenten Feria

    • The February issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2021/01/20 St. Agnes, V.M.

    • The January issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2020/12/19 Advent Saturday in Advent

    2020/12/16 Ember Wednesday in Advent

    • The December issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2020/11/16 St. Gertrude, V and St. Edmund Rich, B.C.

    • The November issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2020/10/15 Our Lady of Walsingham

    • The October issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2020/09/17 Stigmata of St. Francis & comm. Edward Pusey

    • The September issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2020/08/18 St. Helena

    • The August issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2020/07/16 Our Lady of Mount Carmel

    • The July issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2020/06/29 -- SS. Peter & Paul, Apostles

    2020/06/18 Octave of Corpus Christi

    • The June issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2020/05/18 Rogation Monday

    • The May issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2020/04/15 Wednesday in Easter Week

    • The April issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2020/03/18 St. Cyril of Jerusalem, BCD

    • The March issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2020/03/11 -- Feria in Lent

    • The Lent 2020 issue of the Africa Appeal is now online..

    2020/02/17 Feria in Sexagesima

    • The February issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2020/02/04 St. Gilbert of Sempringham, Abbot, Founder, Priest 1189

    • A new episode on the Catechism has been added to our podcast series--Podcasts

    2020/01/21 St. Agnes
    • Bishop Stephen Scarlett's Talks on Mission from the recent Provincial Synod are now online in text form, mp3 audio for downloading, and playing online at
    2020/01/19 Epiphany 2

    • The January issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2020/01/06 The Epiphany

    • A new episode on the Catechism has been added to our podcast series--Podcasts

    2019/12/16 O Sapientia

    • The December issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2019/11/29 Vigil of St. James Apostle, Martyr

    • A new episode on the Catechism has been added to our podcast series--Podcasts

    2019/11/24 St. Clement of Rome, Bishop, Martyr

    • A new page has been added to our site's menu--Podcasts. The first two episodes have been posted.

    2019/11/16 St. Edmund Rich, B.C.

    • The November issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2019/11/11 -- St. Martin / Remembrance Day

    • The Autumn issue of the Africa Appeal is now online..

    2019/10/16 St. Hewig

    • The October issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2019/09/16 St. Ninian

    • The September issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2019/08/14 Vigil of the Falling Asleep of the BVM/ comm Bl Jeremy Taylor, B.C.

    • The August issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2019/07/12 Friday after Trinity III

    • The July issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2019/05/13 Ember Wednesday in Whitsun Week

    • The June issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2019/05/31 -- Friday in the Octave of Asccension Day

    • The Eastertide issue of the Africa Appeal is now online..

    2019/05/13 Feria in Easter III

    • The May issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2019/04/12 St. Mary in Passiontide / Friday after PassionSunday

    • The April issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2019/03/18 St. Cyril of Jerusalem / Monday in Lent I

    • The March issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2019/02/14 Saturday in Epiphany V

    • The February issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2019/02/14 St. Valentine

    • With our appreciation of all the work put into the project we note that courtesy of Br. Nicholas Lawrence, TDC, an updated 4th edition (2019) of the Index to the 1962 Prayer Book can be found here or on the Resource page.

    2019/02/06 -- Accession Day, February 6

    2019/01/20 -- Epiphany II

    • The January issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2018/12/15 -- The Octave of the Concepton of the BVM

    • The December issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2018/10/18 -- St. Luke the Evangelist

    • The October issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2018/11/15 -- S. Albert the Great, B.C.D.

    • The November issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online..

    2018/11/12 -- Feria in Trinity XXIV (Remembrance Week)

    • The Trinity issue of the Africa Appeal is now online..

    2018/09/15 -- Seven Sorrows of the BVM (Octave of Nativity of the BVM)

    • The September issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2018/08/21 -- St. Jane Frances de Chantal

    • The August issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2018/07/11 -- St. Benedict

    • The July issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2018/06/15 -- Octave of Sacred Heart

    • The June issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2018/05/21 -- Monday after Whitsunday

    • The Trinity issue of the Africa Appeal is now online..

    2018/05/15 -- Feria in Ascensiontide

    • The May issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    • The April issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2018/03/16 -- Feria in Lent

    • The March issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2018/02/16 -- Lenten Feria

    • The February Lenten issue of the Africa Appeal is now online.. This is a South Sudan Special Issue

    2018/02/15 -- The Martyrs of Japan

    • The February issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2018/01/17 -- St. Anthony, Abt.

    • The January issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2017/12/15 -- Octave of the Conception of the BVM

    • The December issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2017/11/15 -- St. Albert the Great, B.C.D.

    • The November issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2017/10/14 -- Eve of Trinity 18

    • The October issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2017/10/11 -- Philip of Caesarea, Apostolic Man

    2017/09/23--Ember Saturday

    • The September issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2017/08/16--St. Joachim

    • The August issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2017/07/15--St. Swithun's Day

    • The July issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    • The Summer issue of the Africa Appeal is now online.

    2017/06/16--in Octave of Corpus Christi IV

    • The June issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2017/05/18--in Easter IV

    • The May issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2017/04/16 Easter Day

    • The Easter issue of the Africa Appeal is now online..

    2017/04/15 Holy Saturday

    • The April issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2017/03/17 St. Patrick

    • The March issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2017/02/16 Feria in Septuagesima

    • The February issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2017/01/14 St. Hilary,Bishop, Confessor, Doctor

    • The January issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2016/12/26 St. Stephen, Protomartyr

    • The December issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2016/11/18 St. Hilda, Virgin, Abbess

    • The November issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2016/10/23 Trinity XXII

    • The Vicar General's announcement of Archbishop Mark Haverland's appointment of Bishop Rocco Florenza as Episcopal Visitor to the Missionary District of Canada

    2016/10/15 Seven Sorrows of the BVM or St. Mary at the Cross

    • The October issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online (Some typos in the emailed copy have been corrected in this posted version.)

    2016/09/16 Seven Sorrows of the BVM or St. Mary at the Cross

    • The September issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2016/08/18 St. Helena, Queen, Widow

    • The July and August issues of the Traditional Anglican News are now online.

    2016/06/23-Vigil of the Nativity St. John Baptist

    • The June Trinity issue of the Africa Appeal is now online..

    2016/05/17 Feria in Trinity III

    • The June issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2016/05/17 Tuesday after Pentecost

    • The May issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2016/04/18 Feria in Easter III

    • The April issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2016/03/30-Wednesday in Easter Week

    • The April Eastertide issue of the Africa Appeal is now online..

    2016/03/18 Friday in Passiontide; Compassion of the BVM

    • The March issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2016/01/26 St. Polycarp, B.M.

    2016/01/18 St. Prisca, V.M.; Monday in the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

    • The January issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2015/12/16 Ember Wednesday in Advent

    • The December issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2015/11/13 St. Britius, B.C.

    • The November issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2015/10/17 St. Etheldreda

    • The October issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2015/09/17 St. Hildegard

    • The September issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online and the Index to the 1962 Prayer Book can be found here or on the Resource page.

    2015/09/15 Seven Sorrows of the BVM or St. Mary at the Cross

    • The second Trinitytide issue of the Africa Appeal is now online.

    2015/08/17-In the Octave of the Falling Asleep of the BVM

    • The August issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online..

    2015/07/17-St. Alexius

    • The July issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online..

    2015/06/18-St. Ephraem of Syria in the Octave of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Day

    • The June issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online..

    2015/05/14-Ascension Day

    • The May issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online..

    2015/04/15-Feria in Eastertide

    • The April issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online..

    2015/03/17-St. Patrick's Day

    • The March issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online..

    2015/02/28-Eve of Lent II

    • The the Africa Appeal February, Lenten issue of the Africa Appeal is now online.

    2015/02/24-in Lent I

    • A revised and corrected edition of the February issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online replacing the original..


    • The February issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online..

    2015/01/18-Epiphany II

    • The January issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online..

    2014/12/13-St. Lucy

    • The December issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online..

    2014/12/10-in Advent II, Octave of the Conception of the BVM

    • The the Africa Appeal December issue of the Africa Appeal is now online.

    2014/11/20-St. Edmund, K.M.

    • The October and November issues of the Traditional Anglican News are now online.

    • The special issue for Synod of the Africa Appeal October -- and the regular October issue are both now online.

    2014/09/21-St. Matthew

    • The September issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2014/08/16-St. Joachim

    • The August issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.


    • The August issue of the Africa Appeal is now online.

    2014/07/16-Our Lady of Mount Carmel

    • The July issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2014/06/25-Wednesay in Octaves of Corpus Christ & St. John Baptist

    • The June issue of the Africa Appeal is now online.

    2014/06/15-Trinity Sunday

    • The June issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2014/05/16-Friday after Easter III

    • The May issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2014/05/12-Monday after Easter III

    • The May issue of the Africa Appeal is now online.

    2014/04/12-Saturday in Passiontide

    • The April issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2014/03/14-Friday after Lent II

    • The March issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2014/03/11-Tuesday after Lent I

    • The March issue of the Africa Appeal is now online.

    2014/03/03-Monday after Quinquagesima

    2014/02/15-Eve of Septuagesima

    2014/01/23-Thursday in Epiphany II

    2014/01/16-Thursday in Epiphany I

    • The January issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online.

    2013/12/14-Saturday in Advent II

    2013/09/20-Ember Friday

    2013/09/14-Holy Cross Day

    2013/08/16-St. Joachim, Father of the B.V.M, C.

    • August issue of the newsletter of the Africa Appeal is now online

    2013/08/15 - The Falling Asleep of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

    • August issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online

    2013/07/15-Translation of St. Swithun, B.C.

    • July issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online

      St. Mark's, Victoria has launched a new website.

    2013/06/14-St. Basil the Great (Octave of Sacred Heart)

    • June issue of the Traditional Anglican News is now online

    2012/11/20-St. Edmund's Day


      The Reverend George Betsos, who was ordained at the chapel of Queen of Apostles Renewal Centre in Mississauga during the recent Synod, will move to Victoria at the end of November to take up his post as the Assistant Curate of Saint Mark’s Traditional Anglican Parish. His arrival is eagerly awaited, and there are plans for a parish supper in his honour on the evening of Dec. 9 following an Advent Carol Service.

      Deacon Betsos is a graduate of the University of Toronto and holds the Master of Divinity degree from the Toronto School of Theology, through which he also had clinical pastoral training. Raised in the Greek Orthodox Church but has found his spiritual home as a “traditional Anglican.” Archbishop James Provence of the Anglican Province of Christ the King officiated at his Ordination, and Archbishop Haverland of the Anglican Catholic Church was the preacher. George Betsos was an addictions counselor at a Toronto psychotherapy clinic. He intends to continue in his professional field while also serving in the ministry at Saint Mark’s. Ordination to the priesthood will probably take place in the late spring.

      He will join another recently ordained Deacon, The Reverend Jonathan A.M. Carrothers, a graduate of Carleton University and former student of the Vancouver School of Theology who has joined the Traditional Anglican Church of Canada. He has formerly served as an assistant verger at Christ Church Cathedral, Victoria, and then in the Royal Order of Commissionaires. He recently completed a business administration course. Preferring to be a perpetual deacon, Deacon Carrothers already assists in the work of Saint Mark’s. His ordination was the first great event to take place after Saint Mark’s took possession in September of this year of the historic “Army garrison church,” opened in the 1890s, which was Saint Saviour’s Church, until closed by the Anglican diocese in 2010. Archbishop Provence was the ordaining bishop, with The Rev. Peter Sandercock, a long time friend, now Associate Rector of Saint Mark’s, preaching.

      With this addition of these young clergymen, Saint Mark’s will be making plans for future “outreach,” with an emphasis on ministry to youth and the Armed Forces.

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